Winter is coming…

Winter is coming and as the dark nights draw in and the temperature drops have you taken measures to keep yourself and your home warm?

Insulating your property can be one of the most effective ways to reduce heat loss and cut energy bills. If your house isn’t fully insulated, having insulation installed will not only help keep your home warmer, but it could also help you save you money on your energy bills.

We have highlighted the main ways to insulate your property below:

Loft insulation

Did you know that a quarter of heat is lost through the roof, if you haven’t got any insulation in your roof void? Insulating your loft, attic or flat roof is a simple and effective way to reduce heat loss.

Loft insulation has a lifespan and is an effective method for reducing heat loss for around 42 years, meaning that the investment you put in will/should pay for itself many times over.

Numbers from the Energy Saving Trust indicate that you could save, depending on the size of your home, up to £250 a year simply by adding roof insulation.

Cavity wall

Think of cavity wall insulation as a big coat for your house; the cavity between the two external walls is filled, preventing heat from escaping outside.

About a third of heat lost in an uninsulated home escapes through the walls. In winter, the colder it is outside, the faster heat will escape from your home.

It is generally suitable for properties built after the 1930s. The insulation is installed by drilling small holes in the mortar between the bricks and then pumping in the insulation material.

Solid wall

Insulating your solid walls could cut your heating costs considerably, because solid walls let through twice as much heat as cavity walls do. If your home was built before 1919, its external walls are probably solid rather than cavity walls.

If your home has solid walls, you could save between £145 and £455 a year by installing solid wall insulation.

Insulation isn’t the only way to make your property more energy efficient! Talk to our friendly team today to discuss your options and/or get a domestic energy performance certificate for recommendations.

Our team are located out of offices in Hare Hill House, Littleborough, Rochdale. We provide EPC’s to all surrounding areas including Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Calderdale.

Our number is 01706 614766 or email [email protected].